Engineer and Contractor Lunch and Learn Opportunities:

Customer Boiler Training
With personalized boiler training, Delval Equipment’s trainers bring their vast boiler system expertise right to your facility. What better way for your entire team to get trained simultaneously on your
own plant equipment? It’s the quickest and most effective way for your staff to gain a deep understanding of the equipment, create awareness of the risks and prevent them, increase safety and ask questions immediately in your own boiler room. We offer 4 options to best fit your needs:
2 hours Classroom Discussion
- Boiler types & construction
- Burner types & operation
- General maintenance
- Burner management systems
- Steam or hot water system basics
2 hours Boiler Room Session
- General safety & maintenance
- Component identification
- Boiler system operation
- Proper blowdown
4 hours of Classroom Discussion
- Boiler types & construction
- Burner types & operation
- General safety & maintenance
- Burner management systems
- Steam or hot water system basics
- Wiring / Schematic diagrams (reading/symbols)
- Refractory repair / replacement
- Feed systems (DA/feed tank Operation)
- Fuel delivery systems
- Steam / hot water system
- Boiler blowdown
4 hours Classroom Discussion
- Boiler types & construction
- Burner types & operation
- General safety & maintenance
- Burner management systems
- Steam or hot water system basics
- Wiring / Schematic diagrams (reading/symbols)
- Refractory repair / replacement
- Feed systems (DA/feed tank Operation)
- Fuel delivery systems
- Steam / hot water system
- Boiler blowdown
4 hours Boiler Room Session
- Component identification
- Total boiler system operation & maintenance including feed system, fuel delivery, steam/hot water, boiler, burner and blowdown, and optional water treatment.
16 hours: (2-day)
8 hours each: classroom/Boiler Room
Day 1 AM: Includes outline in Option 2
Day 1 PM: Includes outline in Option 3
Day 2 AM: Classroom session discussion including:
- Regulatory codes (ASME, CSD-1, Insurance and Emissions requirements)
- Annual inspection requirements
- Boiler and system startup/shutdown and wet/dry storage
- Theory of combustion and thermodynamics
- Boiler room log
- Emergency procedures/shutdown
- Remote communications & controls
Day 2 PM: Boiler room session including:
- Boiler/burner breakdown for inspection (if able) including open fireside/waterside, refractory/vessel maintenance & care, flushing waterside maintenance/care, emergency procedures/shutdown